
Using the Same Character,the Same Track Gauge

Before 221 BC, there were many vassal states in China that often launched wars. Their inhabitants lived in chaos as the states fell apartYou can know the name of Seven Warring States from the online Chinese lesson were the Han2Zhao4Wei4Chu3Yan1Oi2and Qin2 dynasties of the seventhe Qin State was eventually declared the victor withYing2 Zheng4 as their leader. Ying2 Zheng4 became the first emperor of Chinaand was given the title of first emperor. From 230 to 221 BCYing2 Zheng4 launched a massive wardestroying the other’s statesThis time in Chinese history is known as the Qin Eradicate the Six States period. Following 221 BC, one country was established for the first time in China’s history and was ruled bya uniform, multinationaland centralized power called the Qin Dynasty (221—206 BCYing2 Zheng4 believed that is contributions exceeded more than the ancient Three SovereignsFive Emperors so he proclaimed  himself the first emperor.

After first unifying Chinahe implemented a series of laws and changes to society in order to maintain the unification of the Qin2 Empire where much power was entrenched in feudal systems of The First Emperor of China—Ying2 Zheng4 who was also a historical figure known by many students studying in Chinese online lessons. The First Emperor abolished feudalism and imposed a new national government In order to avoid the insurgence of civilianshe ordered all weapons confiscated by the empire to be destroyed by melting or burningTo withstand invasions from minority factionsthe First Emper or implemented a great deal of manpowermaterialand financial resources to build the Great Wall, not to mention the great deal of time it tookCurrently the Great Wall still rests on its original foundationand the subsequent repairs were made on top of the original wall The Great Wall is an extraordinary feat of human beings and a symbol of ChinaTo control the thought of the citizenthe First Emperor executed the policy of burning the booksburying the ConfuciansIn additionthe laws were nationalizedweights and
measures mandatedand currency standardized
Among the Emperor’s lawsone important regulation was implementing the same charactersthe same road width policyBefore the unificationeach state used different styles with which to writemaking it very inconvenient to communicate Therefore after the unificationthe First Emperor Qin ordered the states to use the same character and same track gaugeIn our Chinese lesson online, we read it as shu1 tong2 wen2, che1 tong2 gui3. Under the so-called same road width policy a government standard was created for the width of roadwaysand relay stations for post horses were constructed throughout the country along the roadways in order to allow for better communication between statesThe roads built before unification varied in sizemaking it difficult for vehicles to pass. As a result the emperor decreed that the same width roads are to be built all over the countrylimiting the axle length of carriages to six feet wideIn this way, the vehicles could travel on every roadOne could say that this is China’s oldest form of a postal service
In short, the policies of Qin Emperorespecially the same characterssame road width policyestablished a firm foundation, maintaining a unified China for over 2000 years. OK, that is all for today’s Chinese history knowledge on Chinese lessons online where you will find the same kind of history story as much as possible.


