
Dear friends, what will you do if you want to do business in China? What are you going to prepare if you are about to converse with Chinese businessmen and customer? And what are the relevant items in Chinese business? How can you learn business Chinese online free? In today’s discussion, our Chinese online language teachers will teach you several business expressions in China. These practical sentences enable you to acquaint with more about Chinese culture, which will be good for learning business mandarin and for your business operation in China.

1你是草,客是宝. (ni3 shir4 cao3, ke4 shir4 bao4)
The sentence means that as a business man, you should keep a modest and service awareness before your customers, and your customers are the source of the profits. So all businessman should treat your customer with welcome and honesty.

2 市场认得清,生意买的精.(shi4 chang3 ren4 de1 qing1, sheng1 yi4 mai4 de1 jing1)
Anyone who wants to earn a lot of money ought to run the business with good method. The conditions and situations of local markets is the key to that. Therefore, whether you can judge the local marketing demand well or not has a big concern with the performance with your business. The better marketing conditions you own, the higher profits you make.

3 当哄得哄,当骗得骗.(dang1 hong3 dei3 hong3, dang1 pian4 dei3 pian4)
For example, as you run a store, you have to deal with the varieties of bargains. Some customers cut prices sharply, while others pretended to tell a lie for comparing the same products. This proverb actually means that the appropriate induction method is necessary as long as you keep your quality of product. Likewise, sometimes you have to coax some customers into buying your products, or they will head to other stores where the same products are available. The aim is to win more and more customers back with a better competence against your rival in the markets.

4 一分钱,一分货.(yi4 fen1 qian2, yi4 fen1 huo4)
This proverb is still popular in modern conversation among marketing activities. The meaning is that the much more money you spend on a product, the higher quality of the product is. In a broad sense, the good quality product’s cost is dear, so most of Chinese customers are more likely to buy expensive goods for the sake of the idea of this proverb with a long time.

OK, these four proverbs above are highly used in Chinese daily conversations. To learn business mandarin, which the point is not those proverbs themselves, but the inner cultural beliefs embodied in the sentences. All right, guys, that is all for this edition of the lesson to learn business mandarin online.


